Speaking at IBM ConnectED 2015

After a year of absence I’m really looking forward to being able to attend Connect (or ConnectED as it is now called) in Orlando again this year. Based on the sessions schedule I’m convinced it will be another great event. I also look forward to having the honor […]

SharePoint Connect 2014 – Amsterdam

Yesterday I had the pleasure of being able to speak together with my coworker André Krijnen at SharePoint Connect 2014 in Amsterdam. An annual event that with it’s 500 attendees is visited by many from the SharePoint community both in The Netherlands and from abroad. With a broad […]

Session slides for our ICONUK session

Session as delivered by Sasja Beerendonk & me at ICONUK in London on September 12th 2014 Beyond theory: Trials & tribulations in becoming a successful social business Abstract: There is lots of theory about how to become a social business but what really does or doesn’t work? We […]

Engage user group – session slides

I had the honor of being able to present two sessions earlier this week at the Engage usergroup event in Breda, the Netherlands with two great co-speakers. The slides of both sessions have been published to Slideshare: Getting to the core, requirements gathering in the wild Sophie Lavignac-Le […]

ICONUK Session slides: "Requirements Gathering or the secret art of mindreading"

Session slides for our session on Requirements Gathering as given by Tim Clark & me on September 2nd at ICON UK in Brighton. Session abstract: Often forgotten or trivialized, good requirements gathering can make or brake your project. This session will give you techniques and tips on how […]

slides: Social Document Management and CCM (BLUG 2013)

BLUG 2013 Leuven (delivered March 22nd 2013) BLUG 2013: Social Document Management in IBM Connections from Femke Goedhart PDF version for those who prefer that over slideshare: blug2013-Social document mgt

Session Slides: BP303 Taxonomy versus Folksonomy, Document Management in a Social Age

The below slides belong to my session for IBM Connect 2013 on Document Management in a Social Age.  BP303 Taxonomy versus Folksonomy: Document Management in a Social Age With the rise of social business and platforms like IBM Connections, many companies are re-evaluating their document strategies. Ideals of […]

Always wanted to be a Redbooks writer?

As most of you know, there haven’t been many Redbooks published for the last few years for the Collaboration software of IBM as documentation has moved more into Wiki’s. However, that doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities to be become a Redbooks author. One of them is […]

Session slides for my NLLUG / SocBiz2012 presentation on Gamification [DUTCH]

Gamification voor IBM Connections (NLLUG 15-5-2012) View more presentations from Femke Goedhart Location: Rotterdam Date:15-5-2012

BLUG Session Slides: Get Social but not THAT social

Presention delivered at BLUG in Antwerp 23-3-2012: “Company regulation versus personal individuality, how do you get your employees to be responsible partners in a Social Business and how do you weigh freedom versus restriction? The whole Social Business idea is based on the idea of each individual having […]