Author: Femke Goedhart
Femke Goedhart is a Business Consultant helping organizations and users making sense of their corporative collaboration & communication environments.
Google+ Ripples
So Google+ is still there. Yes, I know lots of people really like it but I’m still not there. The main reason? I STILL can’t update from any of my social apps like Yoono and Hootsuite (Google+ API not released yet) and it STILL looks like crap on […]
User friendly
Sometimes images just speak for themselves…… If your site shows input examples to show users what is expected of them, than make sure your example entries match the fields validation rules! Putting in an example with an underscore (“j_smith”) while an underscore is not allowed is really stupid […]
Announcement: Partner
Since 2008 I’ve had the pleasure of working at Silverside. A Premier IBM Business Partner dedicated to offering their customers advice and services around Document & Process management, Collaboration and Social Business. A company with a great team of people and heart for its customers. I’m proud to […]
Tech war winners & losers of the week
It has been an exciting week so far!Lotus Notes 8.5.3 got released with some nice features and an entitlement for using Connections Files & Profiles greatly improving the future of Lotus Notes as part of the Social Business Strategy. The new XWork server license model was introduced by […]
Google+ continued
Ok, now the whole Google+ hype has died down a bit and most of my ‘friends’ activities are back to normal (e.g. Twitter & Facebook) they’ve finally officially released it to wider audience. Unofficially everybody could join anyway (simple get an invite from someone already on it), but […]
Social Media Week & IBM's new approach to collaborative intelligence gathering
It’s Social Media Week! Did you know? Ok, I’ll admit I didn’t either until it was pointed out to me. But there are some really interesting experiments going on this week around the topic ‘Social’. IBM is joining in and performing a Smarter Commerce Scan. An experiment where […]
Docova v3 – exciting new features!
DLI tools announced that they are soon releasing v3 of their Docova product. Docova which is a Domino operated web based Document Management system has extended facilities for managing documents, setting up document workflows and collaborating online. Although I’m not at liberty to disclose any of the new […]
User training…..
I spent most of last week getting user requirements for a project I’m doing for an international firm. This firm has excellent video conferencing facilities and as they have offices around the world I spend a lot of time using those facilities to get input from people around […]
Get in touch!
You would think that getting in touch with people has become a whole lot easier since we’ve all become so ‘social’. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Connections, IM, chats, etc. You could even say that in some cases it’s hard NOT to. But still I find that really getting ‘in […]