What is it all about?
The Global Ambassador / Super User call started as an initiative by Joerg Rafflenbeul and Femke Goedhart to bring together people who within their own organizations are (or consider themselves to be) advocates, super users or ambassadors for the HCL Connections platform. To discuss and exchange information around the platform and challenges encountered while getting it to be adopted and used within their organizations. Since then it has grown to a steady meetup that takes place roughly every month and has a constantly changing group of participants with a steady core of experts and enthusiasts.
How often does it take place?
Meetups take place once every 4-5 weeks via an online meeting.
For whom is this call?
It is open to all who are interested, work with it or are interested in the user enablement/adoption topic. You don’t need to have a formal title to be a super user. If you are interested in or feel passionate about the platform or about social enterprise collaboration in general, you are welcome! You can actively participate or listen in, the only thing we ask is to put on their camera as we do like to see the face behind a name.
How is it structured?
We try to come up with a theme each time and invite a participant or guest speaker to kick off the session by giving a 5 min intro about their own thoughts, experiences and challenges in relation to the theme. After that, the floor is open for all.
Discussions are very fluid and often new themes pop up while we are discussing.
What do I need to do to join?
We announce these events on this blog, linkedIn and Twitter. To join simply use the link in the announcements or, if you prefer, DM Joerg Rafflenbeul or Femke Goedhart on linked in or Twitter (@jrafflen/@FemkeGoedhart) and request to be added to the calendar invite mailing list. In that way, you will automatically receive an invite when a new meetup is scheduled.
Got an idea for a theme or a story to share? We always are open to ideas and speakers. So reach out to one of us if you would like to do that in one of our next meetings!
Previous and upcoming meetup calls: