Social calendar

I found this great blogpost on what ‘Social Business’ is. Read it its worth it. What prompted me to actually search for it was that I lay in bed yesterday checking my calendar for this weekend realizing it was empty and that I was happy with two days […]

7 Hills run 15km of dying…. and surviving!

People who know me know I’ve always struggled with my weight. I still do. A couple of years back I lost a lot of weight and started running. I was terrible at it but at the same time loved doing it. I pushed myself to achieve things I […]

Early Adopter

I got a baby card in the mail this weekend from a good friend that just had his first son. Nothing special there, it listed the obvious details as name, date of birth, weight and length as well as the normal visiting hours for baby & mum. What […]

Holiday – Letting Go

So for the first time in years I managed to take a holiday. Not just a few days or week or two around christmas but a regular couple of weeks in July. I can’t remember when I did that last. Now it’s not as if I couldn’t take […]


I received a message last weekend with the subject “Er is iemand die van je houdt” (‘There is someone that loves you’). Of course I was curious, it was valentines day so who wouldn’t! Unfortunatly for me, it wasn’t what I was hoping for: A marketing ploy, yes…., […]